The YOU You May Not See


Today’s goal is to shift the way we view Self. Typically, we see that person in the mirror. We see pictures of our outer appearance, and maybe even like them. More often than not, though, we are critical of these reflections and this can lead to only seeing our physical state. It’s almost as if no one even takes a bad photo anymore. If we don’t like the way we look, we can just erase it and take a new one. Or we can photoshop the crap out of it until we look how we think we should. But why do we think we should look or be any different than how we are? It’s impossible to see how you would look through the eyes of someone who loves you. But, that’s what I’m going to start trying, and you should too!
How many times have you abused yourself emotionally? Beaten yourself up about the way you look or act? Blamed yourself for not being the best? Have you ever looked in the mirror and hated your reflection? Maybe didn’t even recognize yourself?

It’s because what you see from inside yourself, is just that. A reflection.

But I’d venture to guess there’s probably someone who cared about you or loved you even though you really didn’t care for yourself at that time. Ever wonder what they saw?

Maybe it’s the way you lit up while watching a concert. Maybe it’s the peaceful way you look while sleeping. Maybe it’s the way your arms feel when you hug them. Or that funny face you make when you play an instrument. Or the energy you fill them with when you’re in their presence. Or the passion you have that’s almost as if they can see the flames in your eyeballs when you talk about someone/something you love. Or the pure joyousness when you’re laughing so hard it’s like happiness is seeping from your soul. Or your look of determination during a hard workout. Or the look of pure loving care and understanding you give them.

These are the little things we don’t get the pleasure of seeing in ourselves. So the next time you want to judge yourself, stop. Because as much as you have to live with yourSelf and in yourSelf…you don’t really know YOU.
It’s not fair to judge a book by its cover, right? So why do you rationalize that it’s fair to judge yourself?

So I’m gonna try to start being conscious of the “bigger picture” ME. I wouldn’t take that kind of emotional abuse from anyone else, and I won’t take it from mySelf! You shouldn’t either. It’s the little things that make you fall in love. So lets try to see the little things about ourSelves as much as we can. And let’s fall in love!


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