A Nutritional Therapist’s Perfect Workout Recovery Meal


Post workout foods matter! If you’re working out or running, the recovery phase is a cruical but often missed step in a workout plan. Our bodies need to recover properly to prevent fatigue and energy depletion after physical exertion. My preferred post workout food is avocado toast with a grass fed whey protein shake, with a side of electrolyte water. Here’s why…

Protein: Most folks know that protein contains amino acids, which are the building blocks of muscle. In addition, whey protein produces an insulin spike after exercise, encouraging muscles to absorb glucose and replenish energy stores, all while naturally occurring lactoferrin gives your immune system a boost. The best part? Research shows that people who supplement with whey burn nearly twice as much body fat as those who don’t. I also love adding organic, hard-boiled eggs to my toast for an extra protein boost. Super easy part of weekly meal prep is just to boil, peel, and slice the eggs ahead of time and cover your toast once you put on the avocado and seasonings. Yum! As a bonus, on some days, I take a protein shake that also contains immune and brain superfoods like cacao and mushroom powder blends, probiotics, and adaptogenic herbs for hormone balance. It is super anti-inflammatory and anti-stress perfection.

The toast: YOUR BOD NEEDS CARBS!! But make sure the carbohydrates you choose are the right ones. And yes, this even applies to diabetics. I’ve had many diabetic clients who lose tons of weight, and even go off their diabetes and blood pressure meds without giving up carbs. That being said, I like seeded and sprouted breads for many reasons, but the short version is that they are a powerhouse of nutritional goodness! They’re high in protein, essential fatty acids, B vitamins, magnesium and a smorgasboard of other vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals.

Avocado: Don’t be afraid of good fats. In addition to healthy fats, which are crucial for absorbing vitamins A and E, avocado contains B vitamins that help your body metabolize all of those healthy carbs and proteins you’ve been packing away. To top it off, studies show that avocado may even reduce the risk of prostate cancer, too . . . as if you need another reason to love it! Oh yeah, and these types of fats help you burn the visceral belly fat that surrounds and puts strain your vital organs. Winning.

Add-Ins: There’s really not much of a limit to what you can put on avo toast as toppings. I love fresh squeezed lime juice, sea salt, and fat burning spices like cayenne pepper. Microgreens are an amazing choice for a nutrient extravaganza! I often add nori flakes which pack a punch with iodine, magnesium, calcium, sodium, iron and folic acid, as well as dietary fiber, zinc, copper, and selenium. You could also try nutritional yeast, which gives an extra cheesy flavor and boatloads of B12! In the photo, you’ll see my homemade Everything Bagel Seasoning, which is just delicious and contains nutrient rich sesame seeds.

Electrolyte water: Electrolytes are minerals that dissolve in water and carry an electrical charge. Your kidneys have transporters to regulate the concentration of each of these electrolytes in your blood. Since the body is mostly made up of water, electrolytes are found everywhere in the body – inside the cells, in the spaces between cells, in the blood, in lymph glands and everywhere else. When you sweat, you lose fluids and electrolytes. It’s important to return the body to it’s natural state of hydration by replenishment of the water and the electrolytes (like potassium, sodium, calcium, and more). So, it’s like getting an IV bag after you’ve been dehydrated, just on a smaller scale. Gotta replenish for proper body and brain function.

Nutrients (macro and micro) are so needed for proper recovery!! This is just my take from a Nutritional Therapist’s perspective. But, avocado toast is such an amazing comfort food that just thinking about it being your recovery meal might help you run faster because you’ll be so excited to get home and chow down! Plus, your muscles and brain and nervous system will thank you the next day. With proper recovery, you’ll see much faster gains and hit those goals a lot faster!

Mandy Bloom,
Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and
Culinary Nutrition Chef

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